Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working Hours During Ramadhan 1431H/2010M (For Muslim Staff Only)

Salam and Good Day,

Dear L&G

Ramadan is back!

We wish to inform that as per previous years’ practice, our management has agreed that official working hours during the month of Ramadan, starting today, Wednesday 11 August 2010, will be from 8:00AM to 4:30PM. Kindly be noted that this is applicable to Muslim Staff only.

In order to accommodate this shortened working-hour, staff are required to either have a half-hour break from 1 to 2 PM OR clock in earlier and have longer break during this period.

We hope this little flexibility will be appreciated and appropriately adopted.

I am also taking this opportunity to wish all muslim staff “Selamat Berpuasa and Happy Ramadan Mubarak!”.



Zamri Yusof
Senior Manager
Human Resource Management and Administration
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

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