Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chemicals in the Atmosphere : Solubility, Sources and Reactivity

Chemicals in the Atmosphere: Solubility, Sources and Reactivity (Wiley Series in Solutions Chemistry)The behaviour and hence the possible impact of trace gases and solids in the atmosphere is now of major concern amongst scientists. This book is a result of discussions between members of the IUPAC Commission on Solubility Data and the IUPAC Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry extending over several years.

The book provides a broad survey and theoretical basis of many aspects of the behaviour of stable and unstable chemicals in the atmosphere. There is special emphasis on heterogeneous processes at all levels of the atmosphere. Modern techniques of investigation and of modelling such processes are discussed and many experimental data relating to interaction of gases with cloud droplets and with surfaces of solid particles are included. A detailed account of theoretical and practical aspects of Henry's law constants, including their relationship to infinite dilution activity coefficients, is also presented. Experimental values of 15 inorganic and 153 organic stable compounds have been compiled and evaluated for dissolution in pure water and, in some cases, seawater.

This volume will be of interest to chemists and environmental scientists, as well as geochemists and others involved in atmospheric modelling. Researchers associated with aerosol and air quality studies, as well as pollution issues, will also find it of interest. The sections on Henry's law constants will be of particular benefit to chemical engineers.
* Presents theoretical models for interpreting and predicting solubilities in solutions.
* Evaluates the collection techniques used to obtain solubility data and presents the most appropriate methods.
* Reviewed and commissioned by IUPAC, an internationally renowned society.

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