A Conference of World Engineering, Science & Technology Congress (ESTCON) June 15-17, 2010 KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

The first International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2010) will be held on 15 to 17 June 2010 at the KLCC Conference Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Organized by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), ICIPEG aims at bringing together Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists. Discipline integration is much talked about and will be crucial in achieving optimum reservoir management and hydrocarbon recovery in the future. This conference will focus on contacts and collaboration between disciplines to improve approaches to reservoir knowledge, reservoir management and EOR.
You are strongly encouraged to present original, unpublished work at that conference in the following or other relevant areas:
• Cases of successful collaboration and integration between disciplines
• EOR: Past, present and future
• Chemical EOR, WAG, Gas injection EOR (miscible/immiscible.sour/CO2 and others)
• Other EOR (microbial, etc.)
• Pilot studies and field trials
• Well design and completion challenges
• Construction and operating challenges
• CO2 challenges
• Surface surveillance and monitoring
• Reservoir characterization
• Reservoir modeling
• Rock typing and upscaling
• Challenges in EOR applications in carbonate and clastics reservoirs
• Representing and quantifying reservoir heterogeneity
Prospective authors are invited to submit A4-size abstracts describing original, previously unpublished work, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in the above areas. Guidelines for online submission and other information are available at the conference website:
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that they will be there to present the papers at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the conference, for that paper to appear in the proceedings and be scheduled for presentation.
Conference information is available here: www.utp.edu.my/icipeg2010
Paper submission can be done directly through http://edas.info/N8173
The following are important dates pertinent to the conference:
Deadline for abstract submission: 28 February 2010
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2010
Camera ready / full paper submission: 30 April 2010
Early-Bird Registration Deadline: 14 April 2010
Late Registration Deadline: 15 May 2010
For any query related to ICIPEG2010, please send an e-mail to: icipeg2010@petronas.com.my.
We look forward to your participation in ICIPEG2010.
Thank you and best regards.
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