Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The department of Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering was established in 2006. ince then, the department has evolve and receiving it first students undergraduate students in January 2007. Currently, there are more than five hundred students in the department including postgraduate students.

Located in Block 16 and 15 of the Academic Building Complex, at this moment, there are 18 academician, 2 administrative staff and 5 technicians supporting the department. Apart from that, the department also has two Professorial Chair in Petroleum Engineering from Schlumberger and Professorial Chair in Petroleum Geoscience from Shell.

At Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering, various programmes related to oil and gas industry are offered at undergraduate and postgraduate level. As the development of the department continues, we will keep on moving to strengthen our curricula and at the same time explore research areas that contribute significantly to the development of the nation.